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Presence of New Park Enterprise, Blade Hydrogen Green Technology, a Solution Provider of Green Electricity for Zero Emissions

Published by Investment Promotion Section
By  October  2023,  17  enterprises  have  been  introduced  to  the  STSP  with  a  total  investment  amount  of  25.6  billion  NTD. 

The  operation  team  of  "Hydrogen  Green  Energy"  is  Taiwan's  only  start-up  company  of  hydrogen  energy  that  transfers  metal  plate  stacks  and  hybrid  hydrogen  power  generation  technologies.  It  has  over  15  years  of  technological  experience  in  recycling  waste  hydrogen  from  manufacturing  processes  into  energy.

After  coming  into  the  STSP,  "Hydrogen  Green  Energy"  can  provide  services  of  green  energy  to  park  enterprises  and  dedicate  itself  to  the  realization  of  net-zero  transmission.
Hydrogen Green Energy
Hydrogen Green Energy
  • For further information, please contact ...Wen-Yan(#2529)

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